About FirstNet

Experience and innovation
A not-for-profit regional health information exchange (HIE) founded in Tyler, Texas, FirstNet has an 18-year history of streamlining the transfer of healthcare information across this corner of Texas and beyond. Now FirstNet is building on its heritage of innovation through a grant by the state of Texas to serve as the designated HIE provider in 37 counties of East and Northeast Texas.

Up to this point, our established model of sharing records placed the hospital at the hub of medical information transfer. FirstNet is evolving into a seamless, patient-focused network, allowing health information to be shared in new and more efficient ways, giving physicians, hospitals and other care providers in our region unprecedented access to health information with one goal – improving patient care.

Collaboration via FirstNet

Now, FirstNet enables the flow of information among
all providers for improved communication and, ultimately, better patient care.

1 of 12 Participating in the Texas Local
HIE Grant Program

The Texas Health Services Authority announces the grant
to FirstNet. Visit www.thsa.org to learn more.


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